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The Layers of Security Required to Protect Your Private Estates and Grounds

Private estates and grounds are similar to large executive properties in terms of the security strategy you should employ, with the priority needing to be building a robust layered approach.

But there are additional factors in private estates, namely outbuildings and other properties on the estate that need to be kept safe, secure and under surveillance too.

Therefore, consideration needs to be given to how you (or others) will use the outbuildings and other properties other than the main residence.

Who may need access to the stable block, the garages, the pool house, the summer house or the guest house? How will they be expected to deal with the security systems in place?

Keeping Security Simple Yet Effective to Fit Your Lifestyle

At Brook Security, our ethos is to keep security solutions simple but yet effective – regardless of the size of the property or estate.

Like other specialist security companies, we could engineer a complex security system with numerous scenarios, but it doesn’t mean it will provide higher levels of security – or the right type of protection for you.

We appreciate that you lead a busy life. That’s why we always strive to keep security as simple and straightforward as possible for you, while still maintaining the highest levels of protection and prevention.

You want your estate and grounds to be protected, but you don’t want to have to run rings around yourself trying to make sure you’re using the numerous security systems and devices correctly…..We totally understand this.

Deter Before Protect – the Importance of Preventing Intruders

Due to the potential for serious damage to expensive estates and large grounds, when considering the most appropriate security systems and services for it; the first point of focus should be on deterring intruders.

If your buildings are well-protected by a layered security system – and one that is clearly operational and effective, the chances are that intruders or thieves will simply move on.

Modern Security Challenges Require Modern Resolutions

CCTV cameras, motion-sensor lights, electronic scanners – these are all elements of your security setup that will mark your estate and grounds as a poor candidate for robbery or theft.

It’s these kinds of modern security systems and tech that can ensure your spaces and buildings are well-monitored, covered and secure at all times.

Of course, as well as acting as a ‘before breach’ deterrent, a complete security system for your private estate and grounds also provides you with the ability to identify any suspicious behaviour (such as potential intruders scouting out your buildings).

With Brook Security, you can ensure your private estate and grounds is as far away as possible from being targeted from any such criminal activity.

Get in touch with our specialists to find out more.