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Professional Security System Installations for Your Business

The aim of a security system for your business is of course to protect your staff, visitors, the premises and contents, to give you peace of mind. However, this can only be achieved when your security systems are installed in the right manner – by professional, dedicated and understanding specialists.

At Brook Security, we can help you achieve these goals with minimum disruption and the utmost confidence.

Our Approach to Providing Industry Leading Security Installations

We work in a consultative and considerate manner when designing a security system to satisfy a specific business’s objective. We find that this is the most comprehensive and clear way to understand what you are looking for and what your business needs.

Starting out by understanding what is required – the objectives that need to be achieved, as well as any insurance specifications or conditions that need to be met, helps us carry out a robust Security Risk Assessment.

Once these stages and all associated aspects have been completed, we will then put together system design proposals. This includes the manufacturer’s datasheets to give you the in-depth information required to make an informed decision.

We find that, taking such a thorough approach also benefits and streamlines any insurance processes or checks that may be required along the way.

Upon acceptance of the proposals, we will then follow our ISO9001 Quality Management Processes to gather the required information, source equipment and engineer labour availability.

Once all these components have been sourced and put in place ready to use, we can then agree on a program of work with you for installation. This is especially important in case you have any specific deadlines that need to be met in terms of the security systems being in place and operational and understood by you or the nominated users.

Also, once work has commenced, we can then send you any Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) for the project.

To find out more about how we can provide you with the most effective and convenient security installation services for your business, get in touch today.